Essential Git Commands for Every Developer


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Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting with version control, Git is an indispensable tool in modern software development. It allows teams to collaborate efficiently and keep track of changes in their projects. While Git has a vast array of commands, some are more crucial than others. In this post, we’ll cover the most essential Git commands that every developer should know.

1. git init

This command initializes a new Git repository in your project. It creates the necessary .git directory and prepares your project for version control.

					git init
2. git clone

Use git clone to copy an existing repository from a remote location (like GitHub) to your local machine.

					git clone <repository-url>
3. git add

Before you commit changes, you need to add them to the staging area. The git add command allows you to specify which files or directories you want to track.

					git add <file-name>
git add .
4. git commit

Once your changes are staged, you create a commit with git commit. This command records your changes along with a descriptive message.

					git commit -m "Your commit message"
5. git status

To see the current state of your working directory and staging area, use git status. It shows which files have changes, which are staged for commit, and any untracked files.

					git status
6. git pull

The git pull command fetches updates from a remote repository and merges them with your local branch. It’s often used to stay in sync with team members’ changes.

					git pull <remote> <branch>
7. git push

Once you’ve committed your changes locally, you’ll want to share them with others. The git push command sends your commits to the remote repository.

					git push <remote> <branch>
8. git branch

Branches allow you to work on different features or fixes without affecting the main codebase. Use git branch to list or create new branches.

					git branch           # Lists all branches
git branch <name>    # Creates a new branch
9. git checkout

To switch between branches or to restore specific files, you’ll use git checkout.

					git checkout <branch-name>
10. git merge

When your work in a branch is ready to be integrated into the main project, you use git merge to combine changes from one branch into another.

					git merge <branch>
11. git log

Want to see the history of commits? git log provides a detailed view of the commit history, showing commit messages, authors, and timestamps.

					git log
12. git stash

Sometimes you need to temporarily store changes without committing them. git stash lets you save your work-in-progress changes for later use.

					git stash
git stash apply      # Re-applies the stashed changes
13. git reset

If you want to remove files from the staging area (but not from your working directory), git reset is the command you need.

					git reset <file>
14. git tag

Tagging is useful for marking specific points in the repository’s history, such as releases.

					git tag <tagname>
git push origin --tags  # Push tags to the remote repository

Final Thoughts
These commands are the foundation of working with Git. Mastering them will greatly enhance your workflow, whether you’re working solo or in a team. While Git has many more advanced commands, these essentials will get you up and running with effective version control. Happy coding!

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